Analysis and Legal News FEATURED

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

By : Travis Brenner As an employee, you have a legal right to be free from sexual harassment in the workplace.  Sexual harassment is considered a form of sex discrimination, which is prohibited under both state and federal law.  Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct

When Government Screws Up

By : Brad Schroeder “I have been harmed (either physically or financially) by the actions of a government entity.  Is there anything I can do?” We field questions like this often. The most common answer is, “It depends.” While historically government was immune from suit under an old English concept in the law called “sovereign

Choosing a Business Entity

By : Travis Brenner If you are starting a business, there are many important decisions you will need to make. Possibly the most important choice will be selecting the type of business entity in which the business will operate. Different business entities will offer different benefits but may also have some drawbacks. Below is a

Divorce and Disclosure of Assets

By : Laura Lockwood If you are going through a divorce, or have watched friends and family go through a divorce, you have likely heard about the concept of “disclosing assets.” Through the divorce process, spouses are required to disclose all of their financial assets – even if they may have owned them prior to

Child Support – What Does it Cover?

By : J.D. Hartung In Iowa, child support is calculated pursuant to the Iowa Supreme Court’s Child Support Guidelines which can be found here. The stated purpose of the Guidelines is to: “provide for the best interests of the children by recognizing the duty of both parents to provide adequate support for their children in

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