
Hartung Schroeder Practice Series

These Hartung Schroeder Practice Notes have been provided for educational and informational purposes only. These Practice Notes are not intended, nor should they be construed or relied upon, as legal advice. Your possession of these Practice Notes do not create an attorney-client relationship between Hartung Schroeder and readers, and should not be substituted for legal advice in lieu of contacting an attorney in your state. Readers should consult an attorney regarding their circumstances and how the information relates to their circumstances. Reproduction of Hartung Schroeder content without written consent is prohibited.

Startup Resources

These Hartung Schroeder Practice Notes have been provided to provide the public with educational materials related to startups and growing businesses.

Employment Law Issues for Startups, Entrepreneurs, and Growing Businesses

This Hartung Schroeder Practice Note provides an overview of the employment laws, practices, and policies of particular concern for startups, entrepreneurs, and growing businesses.

Startup Venture Finance

This Hartung Schroeder Practice Note provides an overview of the lifecycle of a typical startup, focusing on the type of startup that is a likely candidate for venture capital financing, and the types of financial instruments a typical startup issues to raise capital at each of the various stages of its lifecycle.

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